Have you fallen in love with a Bumble bee?

Bumblebee on a thistle

Nothing fills me with such glee, than a delightful, bumbling bumble bee.

I adore them.  When they roll around in a flower gathering nectar they genuinely look like they are having a whale of a time. As lovely and beautiful as they are, they are also vitally important to our planet as pollinators, and making us smile too.

Here’s a poem I wrote which shares not only my love for them but also species that you may never have heard of before.

Have you heard?

Have you heard of the Bilberry Bumblebee?
As attractive a bee as you ever did see.
Its name does a dance on the tip of your tongue
This bee with a vibrant orange red bum.

Have you heard of the Hairy-footed flower bee?
With feathery hairs on its feet, you can see.
The comfrey herb flowers it adores above all,
and it might build its nest in your chimney or wall.

Have you heard, have you heard, of the Shrill carder bee?
Our rarest bee that you may never see.
It loves red clover but that’s disappearing
So its high pitched buzz, you may never be hearing.

Have you heard how you can help the Bumblebee?
Grow nectar rich plants that fill them with glee
or sow wild flowers abundantly.
But my biggest request, my heartfelt plea,
is for you to fall in love with the Bumblebee.

By Martin Horton

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